We are a forward-thinking and technologically advanced digital media distributor and certified YouTube Multi-Channel Network. Our international distribution network enables us to offer all relevant services in music within the best Content Management system on the music market.

In addition to our digital media distribution, we actively support our customers with monetization and rights management on YouTube and Meta. We ensure that the music is registered for neighbouring rights and synch Licensing. Knowing that change is a permanent state, we are always developing new ways to distribute content and meet the current challenges of the digital world.

All these activities enable us to provide labels, managers, publishers and producers with an integrated service that allows content owners to control their products in a single system.

Fast & Sustainable
Own Your Content
Safe and Secure
Personal Relationships
Accelerate Careers
Nuture the Culture


FORTYFY is a combination of more than 20 years experience in digital distribution through Daredo and Unit Media.

  • 2004


    Daredo was founded in 2004 in Mannheim, Germany and was one of the first distributors in the music business. They started with the business units Daredo Music and Daredo Publishing. Through their years of experience and pioneer mentality, they have taken further steps towards a digital distribution in addition to the classic distribution channels.
  • 2006


    Unit Media was founded by Ralf Henninger in 2006 in Hamburg, Germany. It started as a label and after a short period of time formed into a label group consisting of 25 labels. From that experience Unit Media knew what label-work means. Finally they evolved into a digital distribution company with over 1000 labels.
  • 2010 - 2014


    In February 2010, Daredo took over the technical service provider deeep.net. Four years later in 2014, Daredo launched physical and digital film distribution, called daredoTV.
  • 2016


    Since 2016 Unit Media is an officially certified YouTube partner and Multi-Channel Network. The company expanded locations to several cities like Berlin, Sarajevo, Mexiko City and Nashville.

  • 2017 - 2020


    Since 2017 Daredo has focused solely on digital and physical distribution of music, video and films. At the beginning of 2020, the brand was replaced by YOMU (Music Distribution), YOVI (Video Distribution) and daredo TV (Film Distribution) under the main company Daredo.

  • 2021


    In 2021 Daredo merged with the digital media distribution company Unit Media. Now called FORTYFY, we combine 20 years of experience in film, video and music distribution as well as label work, radio and live. Through this we are very well connected all over the world and keep close relationships with our partners. Meanwhile we distribute over 5500 labels with 690.000 tracks to more than 300 DSPs. We are represented in Mannheim, Hamburg, Berlin, Sarajevo, Mexico City, Nashville USA, and plan to expand in many more countries to build up core offices and continue building closer relationships.


  • About Us Teamlead CEO Ralf Henninger

    Ralf Henninger

  • about us

    Christiane Munstermann

  • Arijana Kific

    Managing Director of Fortyfy
  • Massimo Santucci

    Customer Success and Technical Account Manager
  • Christina Petersen

    Christina Petersen

    Neighbouring Rights Manager
  • Daniel Chirita-Franz

    Head of Key Account and Promotion
  • Ralf Picka

    Managing Director Music
  • Marc Scholl

    Label Success Manager
  • Jochen Weser

    Managing Director of DaredoTV

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