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Dispute between TikTok and Universal Music

Dispute between Universal Music and TikTok:
New opportunities for newcomer Artists

The recent dispute between TikTok and Universal Music has stirred the music world. Universals decision to withdraw its songs from the platform not only raises questions about the future of music streaming but also opens up new opportunities for emerging artists

new opportunities for artists

What happened?

Universal Music, one of the largest music labels in the world, has begun withdrawing its songs from TikTok. This move came after negotiations for new licensing fees between the two parties failed. In response, songs by well-known artists such as Taylor Swift and Drake were removed from the platform.

tiktok vs universal

Why this dispute?

The main reason for the dispute lies in licensing fees. Universal accuses TikTok of paying its artists and songwriters only a fraction of what is customary on other platforms. Additionally, Universal criticizes TikTok for increasingly relying on artificially generated music, which could disadvantage traditional artists.

small artists

Opportunities for small Artists or Newcomer 

While this dispute rocks the music industry, it also opens up new opportunities for small artists and newcomer, especially those working independently. With Universal’s songs being withdrawn, TikTok may be more inclined to seek out new talent to fill the void.

Small artists now have the opportunity to showcase their music on TikTok and gain broader attention. As the platform may be looking for new content, independent artists could seize the chance to present their music to a larger audience.

Apart from TikTok, small artists should also consider other platforms and avenues for marketing their music. There are plenty of streaming services like deezer, Beatport, Volumo, Music Worx, amazon music and more. Also social media platforms, and music blogs can serve as a springboard for emerging talents.

Furthermore, platforms like Bandcamp and SoundCloud offer independent artists the opportunity to sell their music directly to fans and have greater control over their careers.


While the dispute between TikTok and Universal Music may initially seem like a challenge, it also provides opportunities for small artists to showcase themselves and be heard. At FORTYFY you can also distribute your content to the aforementioned shops. If you have any more questions regarding the topic, feel free to contact us!

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